Welcome to Cypherblock

Welcome to the Cypherblock API! You'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running on this page.

All you need to know and do

Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.

You can generate an API key by emailing us at cypherblock.xyz@gmail.com

Make your first request

To make your first request, send an authenticated request to the check endpoint. This will check a given address, ens or domain

Check an address

GET https://cypherblock.xyz/api/check

Checks whether an address, ens or domain has been reported as a scam + its trustability score

Query Parameters




Address, ENS or domain





Your API key

  "address": "0x9b744c0451d73c0958d8aa566dad33022e4ee797",
  "ens": "sbf.eth",
  "trust_percentage": 3,
  "trust_percentage_pretty": "very low",
  "number_of_erc20_transactions": 666,
  "number_of_transactions": 6969,
  "erc20_balance": 0,
  "erc20_count": 4,
  "first_transaction_time": "3 years ago",
  "last_transaction_time": "14 days ago",
  "nft_count": 0,
  "balance_eth": 0.0001,
  "balance_usd": 0,
  "total_value_sent": 30000.0615,
  "total_value_received": 3,
  "eth_to_usd_conversion_rate": 1328.3,
  "is_contract": false,
  "scam": {
    "is_scam": true,
    "reports_count": 4K,
    "report_url": "https://www.chainabuse.com/address/0x9b744C0451D73C0958d8aA566dAd33022E4Ee797"


Take a look at how you might call this method using curl:

curl https://cypherblock.xyz/api/check?value=vitalik.eth  
    -H "X-Cypherblock-API={your_api_key}" 

Last updated